Friday, September 15, 2006

I can't describe what Im feeling, other than a change

Today i finished my book Irresistible Revolution (tear). But I didn't know that when I started to read this book, it was going to change me the way that I think it has. Shane puts things that seem so clear out there that you never hear of in the church. Its really makes me happy to see that Shane and a bunch of people that he knows are out there doing this, it just blows my mind away really. After reading this book I can tell that God is here in our world not in some distant place, He is here and with us. And I want to be doing everything I can for Gods kingdom.

In the last chapter Shane was talking about how we as Christians are told we are suppose to be, like candles that light up the darkness, then he says this,"Candles can be snuffed out be the slightest wind or by the smallest child on their birthday. But it's way harder to put out a fire. We are to be fire". And when I read this I thought to myself how can I be a fire in my community. Ya im going to a Christian school and all that crap but that means nothing cause all the crap that happens at a normall college/town happens here too. So i want to get out there and start making a mark on the community for God, so that when Im a fire I can start to light others on fire. Thats my goal.

Shane talks a lot about the poor and how much we seperate ourselves from them, and that really hurt me too. I really just want to go hang out with the poor and homeless and show that I love them.

Its crazy to think of what just one book can do to change your life, and not Shanes book but the Bible.

Sorry i did a lot of just rambbling I like to do that and its my blog ha!

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